
Showing posts from 2018

Ransomware: The growing threat in modern technology affecting systems worldwide

What is a Ransomware? A ransomware is a type of malicious software that blocks access to files on your computer till the demanded sum of money or ransom is paid. Ransomware came into existence during the late 1980s or 90s and back then the payment had to be made with mail. In the modern days, the payment is to be made through digital currencies making it harder to trace the perpetrators. A ransomware typically employs the technique of  encryption , denying the access of data to the user and then demands a ransom to  decrypt  them. The history of Ransomware The first ever ransomware attack was carried out in 1989 by Joseph Popp, known as the "AIDS Trojan" or "PC Cyborg". It used to encrypt only the file names and hide them on the hard drive. A message was displayed on the screen that the license of a  certain piece of software had expired and the user had to pay 189$ via mail to "PC Cyborg" corporation to renew the license. However, any tech-sa

Graphene:Technology that can reshape the future

What is Graphene actually? Structure of Graphene In simplest words, the answer to this question would be "The single thinnest layer of graphite", graphite the flaky and soft material used in pencil leads. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon has its atoms arranged in a very different manner; thereby gaining its different properties. The other form of carbon is diamond which is very rigid quite contrasting to graphite which is a soft material. Graphene has its atoms arranged in a hexagonal arrangement and when isolated from graphite showcases some miraculous properties. It has been found to be just being equivalent to one atom in thickness and therefore it is so thin that it is being called the first "2-D" or "two -dimensional" ever found. It may look very weak due to its almost negligible thickness, but in reality, this is not the case, the researchers have discovered that it has a tensile strength of almost 130.5 Gpa, which means that it is a

Portrait Mode Photography and Machine Learning

When the 7th generation of  Apple's iphone came out in 2016, it caused a lot of buzz in the smartphone market; the primary reason being the dual camera setup it sported and more interestingly the " Portrait Mode ". This mode tried to mimic a DSLR camera or the large sensor of it to provide a shallow depth-of-field. Although,it was a hit or miss at times but  people still liked it. Fast forward to 2017 and Google took the market by storm with the second generation of its Pixel series of smartphones , this time featuring a portrait mode but  with "just" a single camera , still managing to outperform a lot of dual camera smartphones including the iphone7+ . Google is known for working extensively in the field of AI and has employed the same in its new Pixel phones. Google uses Machine learning  , the subset of AI to produce the shallow depth-of-field effect and it does them quite well , separating the subject from the background and getting the edge detectio